Saturday, March 17, 2007

Paper Bag Project- Continuum

SIFE Somaiya has been working with the employment cell of NAB (National Association for Blind) for more than one year with special emphasis on the paper bag project. The employment cell of NAB helps capable blind youngsters to get a suitable job in the industry. The time and effort required for this purpose is phenomenal. This can be judged as only about 20-30 youngsters get placed every year. Self sufficiency in this period becomes an important task. Teaching them the craft of making paper bags, candles, envelopes etc enables an earning opportunity and a skill for lifetime. The project was taken up by the batch of year 2005. The initial efforts were put in to develop the paper bags and work out a cost structure. Efforts were put in to market the paper bags which were not successful during the initial stages.

At present, improved quality paper bags have been developed and new range of products have been made available like carry bags, gift envelopes, wine bottle bags, jewelers bags etc. The bags can be customized as per requirement. Efforts are put in to market these and also to integrate these with the products of other SIFE communities. Some success at this juncture is expected. The students provide insight to these youngsters on how to market their products and together they have been able to garner a few business deals in and around Ghatkopar area.

Picture shows person from NAB handing over the first batch of Paper Envelopes to Naina's Gift Shop Owner,Ghatkopar(E)

As far as the students are concerned, the onus lies in handing over the reins to the community and making them self sufficient. This is done by involving the community after the initial marketing contact has been made. This process which needs to be more organized is being looked into and will be taught comprehensively to the members so that SIFE Somaiya works only as a support system , a system which helps these people to prosper.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

PROJECT UNNATI – giving talent a chance

Basic Issue

The current income levels for the families are just about sufficient for their survival. The future of their children remains uncertain. They need to find alternative sources of income in order to realize their dream of a better life.

Target Community

Dhokali – Thane


• Economic empowerment of the women from the lower strata of society.
• To create entrepreneurs out of these women.
• To build a sustainable business model for income generation in the community.


Current Status• Kits containing a tailoring book, pair of scissors, thread, measure tape, drawing book, pencil, eraser, chalk & needles have been provided.• Training in tailoring has commenced for both the batches.• 8 Sessions have been held.

No of hours put into project -450

Team Members - Snigdha Tripathi, Nimsha Bhardwaj, Srikanth Reddy B, Pramod Boga,Aravind VS,Saikat Ghosh ,Sujeeth Shetty, Premlakshmi,Ela Johri,Neha Gupta,Ruchika Wadhwa,Raghav Grover,Suveni Tameri.