Develop a self sustainable business for a socially challenged group (Blind/Old women) working (or inclined to work) in making a creative product (paper bags) as a means of livelihood.
Why Paper bags?
After recent deluge in Mumbai, need for an alternative to plastic packaging was aptly demonstrated. We studied the market and found that market has matured to make a shift for paper bags. It also requires a simple process to make a paper bag, which can easily be manufactured by a socially challenged group like blind.
Progress so far:
Started with an article in Mumbai Mirror, about Blind students making creative paper bags.
We visited Victoria Memorial School for blind, Tardeo and found that blind are very efficient in making paper bags. Thus we developed an understanding with them under which we will use their expertise in teaching other blind to manufacture paper bags.
Customer requirement was identified through talks with potential customers like Pantaloon. Revealed the challenges involved in establishing this business.
Our project will be phased in two phases

1) By making people more aware about the use of papaerbags
2) By roping in retail store (crossword, jweallery shops..) to purchase these paperbags
3) By identifying various potential customers that is, retailer or shops where product sold is of higher value and light in weight.
Next Step
Identify a group working or inclined to work in making paper bags.
well i liked the way u guys r workign ..keep it up .
and benefit the society at large
Hi ,
All the best to you to in promoting paper bags.... But my experience says that people still compare paper bags to plastic bags in terms of price and refrain from using / keeping paper bags... how to overcome this mentality...
Further I am a manufacturer of paper bags,,, pls visit my site
and if you require any help from my side, our company will always support you.
Sumeet Chawla
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