Sunday, February 22, 2009

Health Check-up for the Pehel community

The Pehel classes are an integral part of the SIMSR hostel building. The social cell continuously strives to enhance the quality of life of the community of construction workers; teaching their kids through Pehel is one such means. After the overwhelming turnout observed last year, the initiative of eye and general health check-up was re-conducted this year on 3rd February.
The workforce of the Pehel community are busy throughout the day in the construction activities, hence the health checkup was scheduled between 1 – 4 pm to match with their lunch hours. Yet the total turnout of over 40 individuals which includes the kids & adults reveals how interested the community was in this initiative.

A team of 5 doctors and a helper from K.J. Somaiya Hospital & Research centre had volunteered to conduct the checkup. The checkup included examination of height, weight, blood pressure, eyesight and addressing other health problems which each individual faced.
It was distressing to see the extent to which malnutrition prevailed among the community specially the small children. The doctors and social cell members explained to their parents how adequate food is important to build a sound immune system for their children. They suggested them foodstuff which are affordable. Other specific issues about mineral deficiency and skin problems were also addressed.

Doctors At Work

The Somaiya Social Cell members are working towards communicating the follow-up suggested by the doctors to the community. Considering how even a simple medical consulting is still far fetched for the community, the completion of the programme made us realize how ‘much-needed’ this checkup was for them. The initiative would serve its purpose when the Pehel families develop an understanding of the benefits of good health and right food.

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