Thursday, December 01, 2005

the other dimension

Students in free enterprise!
SIFE philo:

Community service-
Give me a fish, i eat for a day; teach me to fish and i eat for a lifetime.

tell me and i will forget
show me and i might remember
involve me and i will learn.

People support what they help create.

Founded in 1975,SIFE has grown to become one of the largest university based organization in the world. SIFE teams are active in colleges and universities in more than 45 countries througout six continents.

The challenge to SIFE teams is not simply to inform,but also to empower -to help their target audiences reach their full potential through a better understanding of the principles of free enterprise.
Individually,SIFE teams are improving the quality of life and living standards of their communities.
Collectively,the focused effort of hundreds of SIFE teams and the thousands of faculty,students and supporting community leaders driving these teams, has created a positive and sweeping force for change that has an impact upon the lives of millions and is literally changing the world.

SIFE SIMSR team is currently undertaking six community based projects.
Subsequnet posts will put more light on the subject. Flow of ideas is the basic objective of this forum.
vague to vivid
constructive to destructive
analytical to technical
political to social
Lets set the square rolling..........


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